Perfectly Peach™ Bouquet
Our pastel bouquet delivers the sweetest of sentiments. A mix of soft-hued blooms is gathered in our vintage-style hobnail vase inspired by the Victorian era. Featuring a champagne mercury finish, it’s a gift that helps you say it perfectly…and beautifully.
• All-around arrangement with peach roses and pink Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria); accented with peach hypericum, baby’s breath and assorted greenery
• Artistically designed in our hobnail vase, styled in a champagne mercury finish, adding vintage flair to any décor; measures 6"H x 4"W
• Large arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 14"W
• Small arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 10"W
• Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
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* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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